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We all have bad days
This list of 15 ways to improve your mood may also improve your life. We all have days when we just can’t get it right. We may be running late, forgetting things we need to do, or just feeling down because of something going on in our life.
The decision we need to make is to decide that it is just a BAD MOMENT, NOT A BAD LIFE. Things can turn around so quickly! There are ways to instantly improve your mood. The more you do them, the more you can accelerate the turnaround.
Here are a few things I have found to be useful…..add to this list with some of your own and share it with others. We have to help each other and find ways to lift each other up….and for the days it’s just you ….use these as tools to help yourself get out of the funk.
You have so much potential inside you and you shouldn’t hide it from the world. Sometimes all it takes is a different perspective and boosting your mood can be the first step. Let’s get started!
15 ways to improve your mood
- Spend 10–15 minutes alone with peace and quiet. Allow yourself time to clear your thoughts and listen to the quiet. A guided meditation is a great place to start. There are so many apps that will teach you how to do just that. In a moment of stress I have found doing this to be so calming and it completely relaxes me. It will change your mood and help you focus. Take it one step further and make it a daily habit. It can help you push through tough times.
- Realize when it’s time to rest. If you feel yourself getting overworked or overtired, your body is trying to tell you something. Try and be more aware of how your body feels. If you can’t take time for yourself to recharge, how is it possible you can give more to others. Take a nap or just a moment to lay on the ground and give yourself a break. Sometimes the rest that’s needed is doing NOTHING for a whole day or two. Your body will thank you and you will come back stronger than you were before.
- Exercise. I can’t love this one enough! If you feel stressed, overwhelmed, ready to cry, or feel like you are about to do or say something you shouldn’t….choose to go workout. Often times the free therapy session that comes along with this is more important than the workout itself. Even just a walk can help clear your head, organize your thoughts, and give yourself enough time to make a good decision. The endorphins from exercise are real! One of my favorite productive things to do!
- Get lost in a hobby. Hobbies are those little things you love to do! Something that makes you smile and you really enjoy. It could be cooking or baking, reading, playing sports, dancing or playing music, playing a game, or watching a great movie. Allow time for this every week. The more joyful you can be, the more things you will attract to be joyful about.
- Learn something new. This may seem daunting to some of you, but the feeling of accomplishment that comes with learning something new is the true benefit of this. Although challenging yourself may be tough at first, it will help you see that not all challenges end in bad results. On top of that you will come out with more knowledge. Growing and learning is never a bad thing. Become a student of life and reap the rewards.
- Read a book. Whether you like a good fiction story to get lost in or a self-help book that you can learn from, reading is good for the brain and your mood. I spent years without time for reading and once I got back into it I realized all the reasons it’s important. You can escape somewhere else for awhile, let your mind be creative, or teach yourself something new that will benefit your life or your business. Just remember what you feed yourself, you will become…so try and keep it positive.
- Make a date. This can be a date with your significant other, a friend, or a family member. Whether it be a coffee date, a movie date, or a dinner date. Doesn’t matter. All that matters is taking that extra time to connect with a loved one. That is definitely an instant mood booster. For you and for them, especially if you haven’t made time for that in awhile. A surprise date can uplift both of you.
- Get in the kitchen. This may seem silly, but cooking or baking can be relaxing and put you in a good mood. Of course if you aren’t great at it, you may not want to try. Instead have a friend or family member teach you how to cook/bake or try a cooking class. Once you get over the fear of not knowing what to do, you can enjoy the experience. Food is a huge part of life so the more you are involved with creating it, the happier you will feel. You will also get the added benefit of how much healthier cooking for yourself can be.
- Write in a journal. Taking time everyday to write down your thoughts or just a list of all the things you are grateful for will change your mood for the better. A lot of times we hold things in and may not want to talk to someone about it. Writing it down can release all of that and help you move forward. Just get it out. It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you are thinking about all the things you are grateful for.
- Listen to music. An upbeat song that makes you want to dance or a slow relaxing tune……do what makes you feel best. Music is a healing tool that can change your mood in an instant. Especially when your favorite song comes on and your body responds immediately. I am a music lover and can’t go through my days without it! One song that always puts me in a good mood is “Beautiful Day” by U2. Listen to it HERE.
- Dream a little. Have you ever made a vision board? It’s not just for children. Draw or write down goals and dreams you have. No dream is too big! Take it to the next level by getting a big poster board and glue on pictures from magazines or words that inspire you. If you could have anything you want, what would that be? Get creative with this and have fun. Sometimes putting a dream in front of you is exactly what you need to go forward!
- Live like a child even just for a moment. A great way to boost your mood would be to hang out with children or at least channel your inner child. Get messy, sit on the floor and play games, draw and color, laugh and have fun without any thoughts holding you back. Even in a room full of adults, laughter and fun will boost anyone’s mood. Remember what made you happy when you were young and do that. For a day or just a moment. That’s all it takes.
- Give to others. This could be volunteering in your community or just doing something to make someone else’s day. The joy you will get back in return will leave you uplifted. Ask a spouse or friend what they would like to do that day? Getting involved in others hobbies is a great way to give back, especially if they are always doing what you want to do. You may find just how much you have in common or love something new. Giving is the best form of receiving your heart can feel.
- Get outside in nature. Whether you are taking a walk, going on a hike, or just stepping outside and standing in the sun, nature is the best medicine. God made beautiful things for us to enjoy. Go on an adventure and observe the amazing nature that surrounds us. Just a breath of fresh air alone can boost your mood.
- Quality time. Spending time with others is good for your soul. Even if you’re just spending time with them and watching a movie, quality time is a mood booster. Feeling love and connection with people will fill your love tank. When your love tank is full you can’t possibly be in a bad mood. We all need human connection and others need us too. The world is a little brighter when we can bring more love into it.

Apply positivity here
I really hope this little list brings you some happiness! If you are suffering from a bad moment or what feels like a never-ending circle of bad luck, any one of these things on the list can turn your mood around. You will attract more of what you focus on, so focus on good things.
Positivity can be just as contagious as negativity. You always have a choice to turn it around. Lean on others for help and believe in yourself. God made you to be a conqueror. With Him you can do anything and there’s always something to be grateful for. For more on this subject, check out my other post about the Power of Positivity HERE.
A+ tips. Love all of them and find they work.
One addition to that I might add is full spectrum CBD (the stuff that CAN’T get you high). My brother and I love it. It produces the same feel good endorphins as a runner’s high and as chocolate. 🙂
NEVER buy unless 3rd party lab tested, organic, and company has been in business at least 2 yrs, and it has a money back guarantee. Tons of crooks sell it and it can make you SICK.
Don’t take too much or it will produce opposite desired effect.
Great point! I am going to try a muscle/joint CBD balm for my knee issues soon! Young Living just released some CBD products…They have partnered with Nature’s Ultra to provide a line of all-natural, lab certified for zero THC, beyond-organic products. They also contain essential oils. I’ve heard so many great things and I hope it helps my knees. 🙂
Great tips! I find that I have to be careful with music…If I pick the wrong songs, it can have the opposite effect – eek!
So true! Definitely stick to uplifting music! 🙂
Great reminders! This would make a great printable!
Thank you! That is a great idea. Hadn’t thought of that.
Great advice, thank you 😊
Happy to share! 🙂
Great tips! I like to meditate, listen to music and get out into nature.
Thank You 🙂 Those are a few of my favorites as well.