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Unleash the power of positivity

There are some simple ways to add more positivity and value into your day. I’m about to reveal the 5 Daily Habits To Live A More Positive Life. They don’t take a lot of time, but they will have a big impact on your life. Our words and actions hold a lot of power. I have talked about this more in depth in a previous post. You can find it here.

We all have about 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day! Each thought is a new chance to influence the way we feel, speak, and act. If we have that many chances per day to impact our minds, why aren’t we more protective of what we let in. Thoughts don’t neccesarily hold power until we give them power.

The moment we speak or act on that negative thought, we have caused a ripple effect in our mind. The key is to take a minute before we let that thought influence us and re-direct it to how we want to feel, speak and act.

First steps

If something negative comes into our mind we have to hit CANCEL! Then immediately think of something more positive and motivating. We have to refuse to let negative thoughts in.

Taking time to repeat positive daily affirmations throughout our day will drastically change the way you think. The more we change to a positive mindset, the more we begin to shift the subconscious to repeat positivity. We have to put a new program into the hardware and eventually it will run on its own.

The point is that you take time everyday to sleep, shower, eat, and exercise. Why not add in time for your own personal development???

Let this be something you add in to these routine things and make it a habit. Like I’ve said before, even if you just start with a commitment of one week. You will be so happy with the way it makes you feel, that you’ll most likely want to continue it for a few more weeks, months and even years.

How to do it?

It takes 21 days to make a habit so maybe try and aim for that to start. Make it a personal goal. I have put together a few tips below that can get you started. After that, play with it. Add in some ideas you have, take out ones that aren’t working for you. But I suggest you at least give these five a try first.

Commit to doing them at the same time everyday, whenever you have the most time. If you try to aim for the same time everyday (like before bed or right when you wake up), you will keep yourself more accountable.



1) Wake up everyday and write down 3-5 things to be thankful for. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. Even if it’s just that you are here for another day. Look around at all the blessings in your life. Dig deep with this one and do it everyday.

2) Take 30 minutes for personal development everyday. To me this would mean something I’m learning or getting value from. Especially watching motivational videos on YouTube or reading a book about personal development. (Not just funny cat videos…although those have a time and place too.) This could also mean sitting quietly in meditation and envisioning how you want your day to go.

3) Turn on music! Really take the time to let it sink in. Feel it on a cellular level. Whether it’s just a piano instrumental station on a radio app while you work or relax, or a song that makes you get up and have a mini dance party. Both are great! Don’t feel silly, do what moves you at that time. I LOVE MUSIC! It really can change your mood for the better. I believe music heals.

4) Take time to send love to someone. Whether it be just a positive prayer to someone who needs it, a positive wish for someone you’ve been fighting with, or a quick message to send love to a dear friend. It can be a call, text, something in person, or just a quiet thought you send out to the universe. Whatever energy you send out, you will get back in multiplied ways. So make it good energy!

5) Give more! Give more time, give more effort, give more love. However this looks for you. Giving to others is one amazing way to feel joy and spread joy. You could pay for the person behind you in a drive-thru or volunteer at a shelter. Doesn’t matter if the act of giving is big or small, all that matters is that you do it. You will be amazed at the blessings that will come back to you.

Time to take action

The time is now and it’s up to you! Yes, there will be things that come up in life that we all must go through. But don’t live one more second letting negative thoughts control you. Remember that YOU hold the power to change it. We all have to get out of our own way if we truly want to live fulfilling lives.

Let me know how these 5 DAILY HABITS TO LIVE A MORE POSITIVE LIFE goes for you in the comments below or send me an email. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how it begins to change your life for the better!

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  1. Amazing post! I personally liked the 2nd tip the most. I too believe that we all should make (or atleast try to make) personal development a priority in our lives. This would definitely help us in the long run.

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