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What you say will become

It’s ironic that the word “Abracadabra” means just this. Is it possible to be attracting your dreams just by what you say? Really stop and think about that for a second. The ability to begin attracting your dreams through your words may sound silly, but you have no idea how powerful that really is.

While diving deeper into the power of positivity and personal development, this seems to be a reoccurring theme….the fact that your thoughts influence your reality in a major way. I really didn’t understand this concept until recently. The fact that we possess the power to create the life we want. What does that mean?

If you don’t study anything else, at least study the mind and body connection. I have been absolutely blown away by the things I really didn’t know before about this subject, and just how related it was to things I have always believed.

Sure, I had learned the basics of this in school and was always taught to stay positive, but when I began to really study it……MY MIND WAS BLOWN! Now a lot of people will say some of this is New Age thinking and that it isn’t real. I beg to differ.

Spiritual influence

I am a Christian and after studying the Bible, studying some psychology, researching facts about the mind/body connection, the power of positivity, and anything else related to this subject, I have learned one thing……just how related they all are.

One wonderful verse from the Bible is in (Romans 12:2 -New Living Translation) which says “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

A really great video that gives more information on this is called “Your Words Become Your Reality” by Joel Osteen. I encourage you to check it out HERE. I have re-watched it so many times!

Positive thinking isn’t  a “new way of thinking” but it can feel that way on your road to personal development. Most often times you’re letting go of a lot of negative thinking you’ve had, because society and your environment has helped to train your subconscious to think a certain way about things. If you want to change it you must re-train the subconscious to think more positive thoughts.

The thing is you don’t just remove negative thinking and self talk… must then replace it with something positive. So instead of saying “this day is already ruined” you would say “that was a bad moment, but now I can turn it around and still have a great day.”

It is so interesting how much information is out there about this topic. The main point on all this is……..whatever you believe will be. I think if you are holding positive thoughts, wishing for good things, and being thankful to God for everything He has given you, isn’t that a good thing? It isn’t some unknown power or energy that we use to create the lives we want.

I believe it is the power and energy from God that helps us create our lives. You must also have the right mindset to allow the good things to happen. Negative thoughts can block the good.

Law of attraction

Whatever you believe in, whether it be God or the Divine or some other spiritual energy, I think they are more related than not. I may just call it something different than you, and that’s ok. The goal isn’t to start a religious debate. I just wanted to dive into this subject a little deeper. It’s pretty compelling.

These different ideas all relate because they have the belief in something good, something bigger than ourselves, something positive. I think the world is better because of it.

There are many people, including myself, who will say that “things happen for a reason.” I agree with this wholeheartedly. God put us here for a reason and he has a plan for our lives. He only wants good for us, abundance for us, and for us to share in these wonderful things with others.

If things happen in our lives that we don’t like, it’s possible a part of that is we have had negative thoughts or beliefs that have been blocking the goodness God has for us.

We can take those hard times and learn from them. Turn our negative thinking around and be open to good things. I know there are exact moments in my life I can look back at and know there was some Divine Intervention occurring. Take time to check out this VIDEO by Bob Proctor explaining the power of the imagination. He is one of my favorites on the subject of the Law of Attraction.

Becoming more aware

I have become aware of the signs in my life and I think they are put there for a reason. They may have always been there but I just didn’t notice them until I became AWARE of them.

I have noticed in my own life that there is a ripple effect when good or bad things happen. That has to be something more than coincidence. For example…when you are in a bad mood, bad things can continue to happen one after the other. You wake up negative, then you’re late to work, you spill something on yourself, and just like that things spiral out of control. It would be easy to feel defeated.

Whereas, you could wake up in a bad mood and take five minutes to yourself to change that. Right then and there in that moment. Visualize your day turning around. Refuse to let the negative in. Cut off the limiting beliefs. YOU WILL SEE A CHANGE! But the key is you have to believe it will happen. Get emotionally attached to the idea you will have a great day. You always have that choice!

Successful habits

The more we can fill ourselves up with positivity and faith, the farther we can get in life. People who are successful or seem like they have a great life are not made different from everyone else. They just believe in themselves. I mean without question. A real understanding of who they are. They have raised the bar on what they want in life.

Watch Youtube videos or listen to podcasts of successful people, entrepreneurs, athletes, and other well known coaches or leaders. For the most part there is a common wisdom about them.

They think different, wake up everyday and always write down or speak about what they are grateful for and they envision what they want. They believe in themselves. Successful people repeat affirmations throughout the day that keep them focused and positive. I’m pretty sure those things aren’t a coincidence. Listen for them. When you make yourself aware of these things, you’ll start seeing them in all of those people.

The cool part is that anyone can do the same. There is a choice everyday at every moment to direct which way our thoughts and emotions will go. We need to slow down. Take a minute and think before we let negative thoughts or feelings in. Make the switch. Just refuse to let it in and then replace it with something positive and powerful. For more on this check out my other post about positivity HERE.

We were made to be complex beings. We have intuition, perspective, beliefs and feelings for a reason. That is how we are all related. It doesn’t matter where you’ve come from, the environment you live in, or your economic status. You are enough, you are loved, God is real and he wants good for you. The power is within you to begin attracting your dreams, make something out of nothing and to change your circumstance.

When you need to be reminded just remember one word…..Abracadabra!

Seek more knowledge

HERE ARE A FEW PODCASTS, VIDEOS AND INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE TO FOLLOW: I’m sure this list will continue to grow and I will have to do one post just on this list. The point is to explore all of them and learn something new. Here’s a few to get started……

PODCASTS: The School of Greatness (Lewis Howes), Super Soul Conversations (Oprah Winfrey), Joel Osteen Podcast (Joel Osteen), RISE podcast (Rachel Hollis), The Ed Mylett show (Ed Mylett), Born To Impact (Joel Marion) and so many more!

YOUTUBE: Lewis Howes, Jay Shetty, John C.Maxwell, John Assaraf, Rob Dial, Ed Mylett, Joel Osteen, Levi Lusko, Oprah Winfrey, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Rachel Hollis, Jack Canfield, any of the TED talks and many more.

***Don’t forget to also follow these amazing people on Social Media because you will get great content on a daily basis. Remember what you feed your mind is super important so make it great!

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