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Living a healthy lifestyle
What does a healthy lifestyle mean to you? To me, it means a balance of all things: striving to eat mostly healthy foods, exercising regularly, prioritizing sleep, doing meditation, leaving time for fun, getting outside in nature, incorporating essential oils into your wellness routine, and learning/reading new things everyday to keep the mind strong.
I would have to say for the most part, I’m pretty good at these things. You won’t find any strict diets here! We follow the 80/20 rule which is eating healthy 80% of the time, and leaving 20% for anything else. I never feel restricted and it makes grocery shopping and cooking pretty easy.
We do have a list of non-negotiable groceries or staples we always have on hand. Another tip to maintain a healthy diet is cooking at home! You have much more control over the quality of ingredients you choose.
I am happy to have a husband who is on the same page as I am. It makes sticking to a healthy lifestyle that much easier. When it comes to food, we all can separate the good from the bad pretty easily. But having a healthy lifestyle is so much more than just shopping for organic food.
What’s in your products
What about every other product you use? It would make sense that we should all be conscious of those items too, right? It is amazing how many products claim to be ok for us to use, but so many fail the actual test. Just download the THINK DIRTY App and start scanning items around your house. Some results may shock you!
My husband and I came to the realization that we should start paying more attention to what goes in and on our bodies too. Especially since things applied to the skin are absorbed so quickly.
When you start looking into it, you will find just how many products are full of fillers, chemicals, and other unknown ingredients. How can this be good? A lot of these synthetic ingredients can have a negative impact on your body and there’s a lot of research that backs this up. All you have to do it Google it.
Why essential oils?
How are Essential Oils and Wellness related? Let me tell you our story. I have been curious about Essential Oils for awhile. I know a few friends who have used them, but mostly just for diffusing great scents into their homes. Little did I know just how beneficial these little oil powerhouses are.
In January 2019, we bought our first Starter Kit with Young Living. After a month or so of doing my own research, I felt comfortable choosing this company. What convinced me was the Seed To Seal Promise. You can read all about that and watch the short video HERE. Also, the fact that you can visit their organic farms and not a lot of other companies can say that.
What I’ve learned is that Essential Oils are a great natural (100% organic) option for so many things. They can help with immune support, digestive support, sleep support and emotional support to just name a few. Of course, they don’t replace medicine and I am not a doctor, but if you can try a more natural alternative first and it works for you…..that’s a WIN!
Essential oils 101
Essential Oils are naturally derived from the rind, stems, leaves, and petals of different plants and flowers. Think of it as the essence/smell of a plant. Through a low-heat, slow-steam distillation process, the molecules that make up Essential Oils become highly concentrated. They can be used topically, some of them internally, and aromatically to support our bodies and minds.
When we apply them directly to the skin, they are absorbed immediately. The amazing thing is that within 22 seconds the molecules have reached the brain, within 2 minutes they can be found in the bloodstream, and within 20 minutes they have affected every cell in the body.
Diffusing them into the air or inhaling them directly influences the hypothalamus, which is the control center of the brain. This area sends instructions through our body concerning sleep patterns, mood, behavior, appetite, and the release of certain hormones.

The Young Living Vitality Line is a line of oils you can add to your water, many recipes, or a veggie capsule to take everyday to receive the benefits. These Vitality Oils are usually the ones you would already find in foods and herbs like lemon, orange, rosemary, mint, etc.
A great reason to get to know all of the Essential Oils and use them in your routine, is that a little goes a long way. One 5ml bottle of Essential Oils contains about 80-100 drops. A large 15ml bottle can have up to 300 drops. Each time you use them, you are only using 1-2 drops, so this makes them very financially efficient.
Young living products
We love using our Desert Mist diffuser! There are so many diffuser recipes to try. It’s so much safer for your body than using a lot of candles in your home. Diffusing Essential Oils also purifies the air. You will want one in every room!
Along with all the fun ways you can use oils (making rollers, natural perfume, homemade lotions and bath salts), Young Living also has an entire line of cleaning products, baby products, pet products, vitamins, personal care items, and a wonderful line of All-Natural Mineral Makeup called Savvy Minerals.
Our priority now is to switch all of our shampoo/conditioner, hand soap, dish soap, laundry soap etc. to these more organic, natural products. Much like we do with our food, we are cleaning up the products we use and making it safe to have them around children and even pets. I am fully committed to all things pertaining to a truly healthy lifestyle.
Start your wellness journey
The main thing when starting out on your Essential Oils journey is getting connected to a team that will guide you and give you all the resources you will need to make sure you are properly using your Oils. I am part of an AMAZING team! If you join my team, you will be plugged into a great Community of people.
We have a few Facebook Groups with thousands of Essential Oils users. You can chat with others and ask any questions you have. Young Living provides us with ongoing education from scientists, doctors, and other professionals who are a part of their research teams. There is also a great app to go along with that, where you can look up all the information (origin, uses, directions) of every oil that Young Living carries.
My team provides you with ongoing diffuser recipes, DIY roller recipes, cleaning recipes, etc. There’s also product spotlights every month so you get to know everything you are using or want to try. Grab a Starter Kit and join us….This is hands down THE BEST way to get started with Essential Oils.
Check out my follow up post about what’s in the Starter Kit and how to start your journey with us HERE.
Learn more…
If you want to know more about Essential Oils and wellness, or how I am building a business working from home, feel free to connect with me on Instagram @motivate.educate.repeat or send me an email at If you want to join my amazing Essential Oils team and start your journey toward a Toxic-free living, I have provided instructions that you can find HERE.
Here is list of other links/resources:
Video: Young Living Seed to Seal HERE
Get a Starter Kit and Join my team! HERE
Follow me on Instagram for tips, tricks, and Monthly Promos HERE
Video: Intro to Oils by Jen O’Sullivan HERE
Video: Top Ten Reasons Young Living is different HERE
I also love essential oils, but always used in my mist diffuser or a humidifier. Never thought to use in the water or food.
Very informative post and thanks for sharing it!
The only Essential Oils I use in my water or some recipes is the Vitality Oils by Young Living. They are 100% pure, beyond organic, and are usually ones already found in foods (orange, ginger, lemon, etc). I wouldn’t recommend using or ingesting oils bought off of Amazon or another cheap brand from a health store because they can have fillers or other chemicals in them. They are only required to have 5% actual essential oil in the bottle. Make sure you do your research. If you want any more info let me know! I’d be happy to help!
I had no idea essential oils were eddible. I’ve been using essential oils for months. Works so well!
I love the subject of essential oils.Essential oils is a safe alternative to air fresheners.
Very interesting!
I heard about essentials oil but never really knew anything about them. This post has opened my eyes to trying some. Thank you.
Thank you! I’m so happy to hear that!
I think a lot of people don’t realize all the benefits they have. I was the same way until I just jumped in.
I can’t imagine life without my oils! I’ve been using them for quite a few years now & I’m beyond obsessed! YL sounds great, I’ve never tried any of their oils yet!
-madi xo |
Yes! It’s really important to research how the essential oils are extracted. Young Living is really transparent about the process and you can visit their farms. Contact me on Instagram if you want to try any YL oils. I’d be happy to send a sample.